The Skinny Dipping Rx

12 Everything is an invitation: Do this when life throws you a curveball

Keira Barr, MD Season 1 Episode 12

Ever get bad news and wonder why me? Why now?

I have too, and in those moments it can be hard to welcome them with anything other than some choice expletives and an urge to break down or lash out. It can feel hard, if not impossible to consider that there is any good that can come from wading through the river of misery other than escaping it with your life intact. But what if the inconvenient truth is that whatever is happening is simply an invitation to learn more about ourselves? What if these moments are an invitation to heal our core wounds, cultivate our confidence and amplify our resilience….would you welcome them in a little differently? 

Join me to strip down this topic as I personally wade through one of these moments in real time and see what’s revealed. This episode is highly experiential, so grab yourself your favorite beverage and find a quite cozy spot to listen. I promise you getting naked will never have felt so good.


This podcast is meant for educational and informational purposes only. Neither this podcast nor any information contained within it are a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. This podcast does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services. If you have a medical concern, please consult with your physician.

Host: Dr. Keira Barr

Editor: Abigail Cerquitella

Are you ready to shed the worry and anxiety getting under your skin and start tapping into more pleasure? Do you want to reignite the confidence that’s missing from your life? I’m here for you, Skinny Dippers! Click here to set up a 100% safe, non-judgmental strategy call together, and let’s discuss how we can work together and how I can help you. I can’t wait to talk to you!


  • Why partying in your birthday suit isn’t just fun, it’s necessary
  • The truth about perfectionism
  • The upside of stress and the importance of compassion
  • How to make space for what’s most important to you
  • Why connection and relationship are so important for healing trauma

Connect with Dr. Keira

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